LAE Gentle Yoga

Gentle yoga is not limited by age or ability. There are teenagers who practice gentle yoga as well as folks in their 80s. Gentle yoga to be a slow and relaxing practice... particularly recommend gentle yoga for people who are stiff and out of shape, because it’s a slower practice that focuses on making it easier to get into postures. It can also be helpful for people recovering from injuries or surgery, or who have joint replacements and need to explore postures slowly and carefully.

LAE Gentle Yoga

温和的瑜伽不受年龄或能力的限制。 有练习温和瑜伽的青少年,也有八十多岁的老人。 柔和的瑜伽是一种缓慢而放松的练习...
特别建议身体僵硬和走形的人进行温和的瑜伽,因为这是一种较慢的练习,重点是让他们更容易进入姿势。 对于从受伤或手术中恢复的人,或者进行关节置换术并需要缓慢而仔细地探索姿势的人来说,它也很有帮助。


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LAE Gentle Yoga

Gentle yoga is not limited by age or ability. There are teenagers who practice gentle yoga as well as folks in their 80s. Gentle yoga to be a slow and relaxing practice... particularly recommend gentle yoga for people who are stiff and out of shape, because it’s a slower practice that focuses on making it easier to get into postures. It can also be helpful for people recovering from injuries or surgery, or who have joint replacements and need to explore postures slowly and carefully.