[DangaBay] LAE RHYTHM Fitness

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy of the room and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the Rhythm.

[DangaBay] LAE RHYTHM Fitness

节奏就是让音乐来控制。 准备好让自己沉浸在房间的能量中并抓住节奏。 自行车、节奏和教练将在最令人上瘾、最能激发内啡肽的锻炼中将您推向极限,所以坐上马鞍,放松身心,感受节奏。


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[DangaBay] LAE RHYTHM Fitness

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy of the room and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the Rhythm.